Engineering solutions to deliver excellence
Engineering solutions to deliver excellence
Welcome to Symetrix Engineering


Symetrix has remained a stalwart in the field of HVAC since 1998, providing specialized services for several industrial segments – IT, Retail, Healthcare and many more. We understand the importance of choosing suitable, sight specific equipment in order to best provide for your varied needs. With a primary focus to meet client requirements, Symetrix has gained an enviable reputation as a one-stop source for top-notch H V A C services

Design & Planning

At Symetrix, we believe in efficiency and excellence throughout our process, and that begins at the very first stage. We understand the importance of a good, cost effective design.

Project Execution

The execution stage is a crucial one, and Symetrix aims to deliver and execute with grace and excellence. Our primary focus is on delivering high quality, on time. We believe in strict quality control, and a smooth execution that adheres to the fixed timelines of the project.

Maintenance & Retrofit

Our relationship with our clients does not end with the installation of a project. It is important for us to remain available for maintenance and servicing needs that recur from time to time. After sales services include warranty service, trouble shooting and post warranty support by way of an annual maintenance contract.

What is HVAC

H V A C stands for Heat control, ventilation, and Air Conditioning. These services have gained prominence due to the increasing demand for a controlled atmosphere for various industries to function, such as IT, healthcare, manufacturing, comfort and so on.  H V A C services are crucial in industries wherein a small deviation in prescribed conditions will have a bearing on normal functioning.

